Frequently Asked Questions

Can I fly whatever routes I want to fly?

No. You can only fly routes that are available in our booking system which are also matching the real flight schedules for Lufthansa and Lufthansa Cargo.

Are there any activity requirements?

No, you only need to conduct a flight in the first 14 days after registration.

Do I have to use the same aircraft type that is shown in the schedule?

You can use any aircraft type that is available for the particular flight, you can change the type and registration during the booking process.

Can I fly whenever I want to fly?

Yes, there are no restrictions.

Do I have to fly on VATSIM/IVAO?

No, even though we recommend this to our members.

Which simulators are supported?

Any simulator that supports FSUIPC, Xplane, Prepar3D, Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Can I fly for any other Lufthansa Virtual?

No, double logging isn’t allowed, you can of course use tools like Projectfly, SimToolKitPro and Volanta to also track your flights. 

Is there an age restriction?

Yes, at the time of registration, the applicant must be 18 years

Where can I get support?

You can contact us on our official Discord Server: