Welcome to LH Virtual

a premier LH simulation

VATSIM Partner

Official Virtual Airline Partner

We offer all Cargo Routes from Lufthansa Cargo

Fly the B777F and A321F to Cargo Hubs around the world

Custom Virtual Airline System

We use the best Airline Management System in the industry

Up-to-date Schedules

By using the official Lufthansa API

Latest News

In cooperation with Atarium Liveries we have created a GSX Pro profile package for the entire Lufthansa fleet which is available in the Fenix Livery Manager.
We also added configuration files for the new Fenix A319/A321.


Why us?

LH Virtual is a virtual airline replicating the operation of the German flag carrier Lufthansa.
We provide our pilots up-to-date schedules by using the official Lufthansa Schedules API, accurate SimBrief profiles, and much more. Based on the most advanced virtual airline platform, vAMSYS.
No matter your experience, there is a spot for you in our community.


Since our reopening over a year ago, we have been using Discord for our main communication with our pilots.
We announce flight plan updates, general news, or post anything about our events and our focal airport. Not only that! It’s also the base for our pilots to communicate with each other and share their screenshots.


LH Virtual – a premier LH simulation

Hello Captain! We welcome you to LH-Virtual – a premier LH simulation
We are excited and thankful for you on taking the time to choose and browse our virtual airline. Provided on Vamsys and our FAQ on our website, you can find all of the required information so you can get familiar with us, our operations and goals, as well as the requirements for our members if you do wish to indulge into this near real experience in a virtual airline.

To make things easier, this homepage contains a short overview of the before mentioned information please take time and we hope to see you on our roster and in the virtual skies.

God Speed & Clear Skies,
LH Virtual Team

LH Virtual A320 NEO

Casual Pilot?

  • Low Activity Requirements
  • Detailed Leaderboards
  • Easy to use systems and software

Realism is important?

  • Constantly Up-To-Date Schedules
  • Already prepared routes and flight plans
  • Regular Events and Fly-ins

Hard-core simmer?

  • A learning environment
  • Automatic PIREP Grading System
  • Detailed PIREP logging and display